How Open APIs are aiding to Clo...

The security boundaries for enterprises employing public cloud resources are blurring in today’s world of hybrid cloud infrastructures that use both on-premise and public cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Many businesses are turning to cloud security technology. It is well-known as a reliable data storage alternative, and it’s swiftly gaining popularity due to its… Continue reading How Open APIs are aiding to Cloud Security Services

Admin - August 22, 2022

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Prevent security threats by dep...

Keeping systems safe is the top priority of any organization as many malicious activities can be performed on data, networks, or the entire system environment for various reasons. Security providers are also using different approaches to keep the data and network security robust. To keep network and data secure, developers have come up with the… Continue reading Prevent security threats by deploying Zero Trust Security Architecture

Admin - August 22, 2022

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How industries are leveraging t...

Digital Revolution is at its peak and industries are leveraging the benefits of this digital transformation efficiently. Many technologies and methodologies have come into the picture to transform the workflow of industries in automotive and innovative ways. The data generated by organizations is their most important asset. This data is stored for analyzing situations, predicting… Continue reading How industries are leveraging the benefits of Machine-to-Machine Communication?

Admin - August 22, 2022

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Analytics of Things emphasizing...

After the Internet of Things (IoT) gained popularity, analytics of Things (AoT) is the newest buzzword in the analytics sector (IoT). Since industrial needs are evolving, the next stage in an organization’s IoT implementation is AoT.

Admin - August 20, 2022

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Deploy Cognitive Automation to ...

Organizations are constantly thriving towards automation to distribute their workloads on devices for better, more robust, and more accurate. Technology is constantly evolving to help organizations meet their business needs to compete in this fast-paced and high-demanding industrial race. Many automation technologies have evolved that use M2M communication, IoT, IIoT, RPA, etc to make processes… Continue reading Deploy Cognitive Automation to improve your business agility

Admin - August 20, 2022

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API testing automation for bett...

The foundation of the present-day digital ecosystem is the vastly underappreciated yet essential technology known as APIs. They play a crucial role in business initiatives to make internal applications and services available online to clients, partners, suppliers, and third parties. With ever-evolving technology, everything is getting automated including the testing and integration of APIs.

Admin - August 20, 2022

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