How industries are leveraging the benefits of Machine-to-Machine Communication?

By admin
  August 22, 2022  / 
  668     0

Digital Revolution is at its peak and industries are leveraging the benefits of this digital transformation efficiently. Many technologies and methodologies have come into the picture to transform the workflow of industries in automotive and innovative ways.

The data generated by organizations is their most important asset. This data is stored for analyzing situations, predicting problems, and recommending solutions for useful insights to make machines smarter and more efficient.

Machine-to-machine communication is one such methodology where networked machines communicate through sensors and communication modules. The data between two machines can be transmitted through wireless communication.

Table of Content :

  • What is Machine to Machine Communication?
  • How does machine-to-machine communication work?
  • IoT in machine-to-machine communication
  • Benefits of machine-to-machine communication
  • Machine-to-machine communication Applications


What is Machine-to-Machine Communication?

With the advancement of innovations, machines have become smart enough to store and analyze data for better solutions. Machine-to-machine communication allows machines to communicate or share data to make better decisions. A machine-to-machine communication protocol enables an efficient model of networked machines that perform better with more information to analyze and predict. This machine-to-machine model uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to establish communication between systems for efficient and smarter use of data without any human intervention or middleware devices.


How does machine-to-machine communication work?

The data transmitted in machine-to-machine communication is performed through public networks like ethernet or cellular data, unlike other technologies to make it cost-effective.

Communication is compiled of four main components, a sensor, a wireless network, a computer with internet connectivity, and a software program based on autonomic computing that helps computers understand the data sent by the sensor.

The sensor collects data and transmits it over the network where machines take automated or pre-programmed actions based on the collected data or a manual action can be triggered based on the data. A true M2M communication although, does not rely on human intervention to make decisions or allocate actions to the machine.


IoT vs Machine-to-Machine Communication

The basic difference between Machine-to-Machine communication and IoT is that M2M communication establishes communication between two devices while IoT provides automation and advanced application. IoT networks are highly intelligent and have decision-making capabilities since they can connect with any device or application over the network, M2M can only communicate point to point or with devices that are connected with each other.

Benefits of machine-to-machine communication

Machine-to-machine communication can be benefiting for your business in the following ways-

Improve Operational efficiency

Machine-to-machine communication increases the efficiency of operations by predicting potential downtime based on analyzation of unusual behavior of machines like temperature increases or enhanced vibrations and will send the alert to the maintenance department.

Another way machine-to-machine communication can ensure uptime is by analyzing the supply of essential resources and sending alerts to the maintenance department when they’re running low.


Improved quality of products

Machine-to-machine communication can send alerts when the system is not processing appropriately, it can also make decisions to maintain the process. It will reduce the risk of low-quality products in manufacturing or will ensure seamless services in service-based industries.

Smart Decision Making

M2M monitoring can make smarter decisions by gathering data from point to point and getting useful insights from the collected data. This processed data is then used to analyze and make decisions without human intervention.

Cost efficienting

M2M communication is highly cost-effective as it reduces human efforts. It performs many tasks which earlier needed human intelligence.


M2M solutions are designed to scale easily. Any new machine can easily be integrated into the M2M communication network without wiring the entire network from scratch. The machines are also easier to disintegrate in case of damage that couldn’t be repaired.

Machine-to-machine communication Applications

Some major industries leveraging the benefits of Machine-to-machine communication applications are-

Utility Industry

Utility companies calculate the consumption of utilities with sensors and M2M communication without the need for someone to go to every individual house to take the readings. These utilities can be electricity supply, water supply, LPG supply, etc.

Logistic Industry

Logistic companies can benefit from M2M communication by tracking every individual product during shipment. RFID tags are used n every item which can be sponsored through the sensors. This not only helps the logistic department to track products but also helps in finding any lost item. Another machine-to-machine communication example in the logistic industry is the smart order picking cart integrated with DCX software that lets users pick multiple carts art once around the warehouse.


Telemetry is using M2M communication for years. Sending data through a wireless network including smart metes, automobiles, power sources, robots, etc.


Machine-to-Machine learning has brought a significant shift in the way industries communicate with devices. This methodology has made machines smarter and intelligent enough to take small decisions without human intervention. Many industries are using Machine2Machine communication for years to transfer data from device to device but the technology has great potential and if deployed, companies can make their work easier, resources smarter and generate greater revenue.


  • How machine to machine communication works iot ?

    Machine to Machine systems use point-to-point communications between machines, sensors and hardware over cellular or wired networks, while IoT systems rely on IP-based networks to send data collected from IoT-connected devices to gateways, the cloud or middleware platforms.

  • Which device is M2M machine to machine?

    M2M communication devices system is standalone network equipment that uses point-to-point communication between machines, sensors and hardware. Today, M2M is among the fastest-growing technologies because it can connect millions of devices within a single network.

  • Why M2M is used in IoT?

    M2M (machine to machine) communication is the technology that allows our devices to talk to each other. Without M2M communication, we wouldn't be able to take cash out of an ATM, and our smart meters wouldn't be able to send automated updates to our energy providers

  • How to communicate between two virtual machines in vmware ?

    Open the Virtual Network Editor from the Edit menu in VMware Workstation. Open Virtual Network Editor. Use the existing VMnet1 as one of the sites and add VMnet3 as the other. Enable changes by clicking Change Settings, then click Add Network.

  • What is difference between M2M and IoT?

    The big difference between IoT and M2M is the connection. IoT is usually any device connected to the internet for enhanced performance. On the other hand, M2M is generally two or more devices connected with the internet for data sharing and analytics.

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