Bet it! Your data is fetched, here’s how you can strengthen your privacy 

By admin
  April 12, 2023  / 
  5379     0

“It’s critical not to be apathetic about privacy and to look at how you can stay in control of your privacy and the personal data you share online, including on social media and apps that many Indians use every day,” said Shane McNamee, Chief Privacy Officer at Avast.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your online privacy is under your control.

1. Advertisement administration

You can control how advertisers target you on various social media platforms. Examine your privacy and advertising settings to ensure that you have removed any interests that any platform can use to target you, as well as any personal data that can be used for ad targeting. You can also turn off ‘of-Twitter Activity’ on Twitter and ‘ads shown off of F5>2. Off it! Disable your location tracking.

2. Off it! Disable your location tracking.

Turning off Location Services on your phone for all social media apps and your camera is a good way to protect your privacy. If you have an iPhone, go to Settings, Privacy, and Location Services to find this. To turn off location sharing, clear location history, and adjust location access for apps on Android, go to settings, then location.

3. Unplug game and app permissions

Turning off Location Services on your phone for all social media apps and your camera is a good way to protect your privacy. If you have an iPhone, go to Settings, Privacy, and Location Services to find this. To turn off location sharing, clear location history, and adjust location access for apps on Android, go to settings, then location.

4. Avoid clicking on advertisements.

Many social media platforms and apps track not only which advertisements you click on, but also how long you spend swiping through them. If you don’t want social media platforms or apps to collect information about your interests, start ignoring ads and avoid using the shopping features available on Instagram and Google.

Make a bot email address.
A bot email address is one that you only use for specific purposes and is not linked to you elsewhere, making it difficult for companies to track you. Even better, use a different email service than you normally use to avoid accidentally connecting them.

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