Automate your unproductive tasks with AI-powered Teams Premium

By admin
  February 6, 2023  / 
  1588     0

Microsoft introduces AI features powered by OpenAI to Teams Premium. These features are contrived in a way to save time and improve productivity. According to Microsoft’s blog post, modern AI-powered tools hold the promise of boosting individual, team, and organizational productivity while significantly changing how we work.

Here are what AI features teams Premium includes 

Ingenious recap 

This feature reduces the amount of time attendees spend taking notes during a class, webinar, or other meeting. This feature employs artificial intelligence to generate meeting notes, suggested tasks, and personalized highlights. It can also be used to divide a meeting into chapters.

Timeline markers

When you leave or join a meeting, this “only visible to you” feature allows you to quickly jump onto a section. It is a useful feature because it allows you to resume listening where you left off. 

Microsoft is working to expand this feature and add features that will notify you when your name is mentioned or a screen is shared. 

In addition, speaker timeline markers will be introduced soon, letting you know who spoke during the meeting and when they spoke. 

Live translation 

Teams can now offer real-time translation into forty languages. Participants can read captions in their native language thanks to AI-powered real-time translations. However, it is important to note that only the meeting organizer requires Teams Premium in order for all meeting attendees to benefit from live translations.

Other properties

Microsoft Teams Premium also improved its meeting interface, allowing other team members to see your brand’s logo when you enter the meeting, and added the ability to customize meeting templates. 

In terms of security, Microsoft has implemented advanced meeting protection opinions-watermarking—to prevent the leak of confidential information and limit who can record.

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